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Other Resources

Many Catholic organizations answer questions or write articles about the Liturgy. When searching their sites, check the dates of the articles. Articles before the release of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal and GIRM, that is, before 2011, may not reflect the current situation. 

Search the library for specific topics. Or scroll down to the block “Practice of the Faith.” Click on “Liturgy.” Scroll down the list of topics or search with your browser’s search function. When you click on a topic, it will bring you to a Q&A. Someone may have already asked your specific question.

Helpful articles found here include: 

Search for specific topics.

Helpful resources found here include:

Search for liturgical abuse or specific topics. 

Helpful articles found here include: 

A parish in Orlando, FL has compiled a helpful page of quotes from Pope Benedict XVI about music and other liturgical issues, including liturgical dance, the use of Latin, and many more.

CanticaNOVA Publications has many helpful page for Catholic musicians and Catholics in general.


These pages include:

  • Liturgical Planning -- Quote: "CanticaNOVA's free liturgical planning pages consist of a Liturgical Information page and a Music Suggestion page (with options for liturgical music, hymns, choral and organ music)." It includes pages for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Mass. "To assist priests in singing the three Orations for Mass (Collect, Prayer over the Offerings, Prayer after Communion), all planning pages contain these texts "pointed" according to the Solemn Tone of the Missal (the easier of the two tones)."

  • "Musical Musings" -- Their articles section contains "solid information on topics of interest to Catholic church musicians." But it is so much more!

  • Liturgy sub-category -- Include further subcategories on the Mass, documents, essays, Liturgy of the Hours, Latin and Other. It is all worth exploring! 

ePRIEST is a a paid service to help priests, but includes some free-to-access public pages, including a Liturgy Question & Answer section by Fr. Edward McNamara. You may know his name from his many older Q&As often found on Zenit and EWTN. The ePRIEST site has current  Q&As -- beginning in February 2021 and still accepting questions as of August 2024. See the site for contact info. The website doesn't appear to be searchable, so you'll have to do some scrolling, but it is worth it. Otherwise, do an internet search and you will probably find some entries -- which is how I found them!

For information on music check out the following: 

John Gaffney, Music & Liturgy, Compositions & Workshops Facebook Group and website.

Foretaste of Heaven: Celebrate Authentic, Noble, Prayerful Roman Liturgy

Also see CanticaNOVA Publications above.

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